Sunday, October 5, 2008

Joy of the Dawn

Rays tip-toe on my face
Cheating the blinds
Announcing their arrival
Tearing night's dark sheath

Life has begun - they proclaim!
Birds are serenading
Flower buds are bursting
Impregnating air with bliss

So spry; yet so calm
Dew-drops sit still
Yearning to fly unto Heaven
Or frolic with your eyes
Creating colors from white

My hapless soul glances outside
Allured by grass soft and wet
Summoned by fragrances I least understand
Is this a fortuitous accident?
Or a divine stratagem?

Clear skies embrace me
With the warmth of a Mother
And the passion of a Lover
Beauty justifying one's existence
Akin the Child's simple innocence

I try to resist the ephemeral
But isn't it Nature's elixir?
Have I drowned myself
Head over heels
In the Joy of the Dawn?

1 comment:

Kaushik said...

Thanks for reminding me that I have to buxfer the blinds :D.. Btw, awesome romantic poem.. Blue skies in Pittsburgh? Bursting buds in Fall? :-)..